Resins & Accessories


Resins & Accessories

consumables extraction-chromatography


TrisKem is the leading European manufacturer and provider of highly specific resins for use in radiochemistry and metals separation. It further provides equipment's and accessories used in radiochemical analysis.

Project Details

Resins & Accessories

TrisKem’s extraction chromatographic resins allow the separation and determination of radionuclides (e.g. actinides and fission products) from bioassay samples and environmental matrices e.g. soil, sediment, vegetation and seawater samples.

Their use allows a rapid and precise determination of radionuclides in emergency and routine situations, as well as, combined with suitable sample preparation methods, to obtain very low detection limits through analysis of large volume samples.

Our products are a standard technology in radiochemistry used by international accredited laboratories and monitoring agencies. A number of ready-to-use methods and applications are available online. For more information please also refer to the enclosed flyer.
