


life-sciences sample-preparation-life-sciences


CELBIC –Single Use Bioreactor – is the first Korean made disposable bioreactor using a disposable cultivation bag; it reduces possible contamination, initial operation cost as well as pollution. Variety of cells such as antibodies, stem cells and animal/plant cells are to be cultivated and CELBIC also control D.O, pH, temperature and nutrients precisely.

Project Details


CELBIC –Single Use Bioreactor – is the first Korean made Single Use Bioreactor System using a 3D Disposable Culture Bag; it reduces possible contamination, initial operation cost as well as pollution. Variety of products such as antibodies, stem cells and animal/plant cells can be cultivated and CELBIC is also capable of controlling as well as monitoring D.O, pH, temperature and nutrients accurately.

– Free rocking: cultivation optimized by movements in each direction as well as diagonal movements
– Simple optimization of diverse cultivation conditions
– Convenient scale-up and flexible cultivation volume
– Cultivation condition managed and controlled via DO, pH, temperature sensor
– MicroDigital patented 3D disposable culture bag: PE, EVOH material enhances contamination and oxygen leak prevention
